About Us
Health, Performance & Wellbeing
Sebastian and Johannes are engineers with a gift for unlocking technologies that empower human potential through living a healthy and happy life.

Meet your Hosts
Sebastian and Johannes embody their philosophy by showcasing the world's leading wellness products and sharing insights on elevating mindset combined with natural practices that become an entry point to regain higher levels of energy, wellbeing and happiness.
Fun, innovation and personal connections are at the core of everything they do, it's not just business, it's pure pleasure that drives them to lead a human centric group of companies.
The Intention
Hosts Sebastian and Johannes invite listeners to explore new ways to combat modern life and reclaim their vitality. With their quirky style and belief that vibrant health is the birthright of every human being. they share the secrets to self love. self care and vibrant joy so that you can have a more positive impact on your own health, the health of those you love and the world.
The intention of each episode is to expand your awareness and give you the tools and knowledge to open up new levels of self care by interviewing inspiring biohackers and wellness.

How it all started
We met while working in environmental management. Being German, saunas are a part of their cultural DNA, so it was our shared passion for longevity and wellness that led us to discovering the most marvellous sauna we had ever experienced. It was a Clearlight infrared sauna.
We realised that infrared saunas had the potential to improve the lives of people all over the world. As we were based in New Zealand at the time, we went on to establish ourselves as distributors of Clearlight Saunas in New Zealand in 2012, and in Australia in the same year, and then Europe.
The Sauna Show was born
Since then, we have dedicated our business to improving the quality of life for people all over the world with our innovative infrared saunas and wellness products, and podcasting.
Our first podcast "The Sauna Show." show was born in 2019.
We invited sauna, sweat and detoxification experts onto the sauna to learn more about sauna-related routines, health benefits and protocols.
Since then, we realised that our mission (To empower 1B households through our evolving wellness solutions to improve and extend humanity’s lifespan) is a lot bigger than saunas! A new podcast was needed to educate on all topics health and wellness.
TheHelsiShow was born. Helsi stands for Health Simplified and is our way to bring more education and information to the markets.
We invite listeners to explore new ways to empower modern life and improve their vitality. With their quirky style and belief that vibrant health is the birthright of every human being. they share the secrets to self love. self care and vibrant joy so that you can have a more positive impact on your own health, the health of those you love and the world.
Want to suggest a podcast guest or topic?
Get in touch if you would like to suggest a podcast guest, topic,
or book one of Johannes or Sebastian to speak at your next event.